I have to admit when I think of prunes, I think of obstruction and laxatives. When I think of pruning, I think of cutbacks, layoffs, and trimming bushes. Yowzers! This does not sound like great material for a Bright Spot Report! Bear with me my good friends, there is fruit underneath all of this trim or treat.
Life is meant to be a flowing river. When a dam is constructed, life becomes bound up and unmoving. Nature provides obstruction removers if we are wise enough to learn about them. A laxative for a butterfly is it's struggle out of the cocoon. The butterfly needs the struggle to force fluid into its wings. That process is needed for the butterfly to fly freely. The prune is the struggle that causes the free flow of the natural gifting of the butterfly. These beautiful creatures do not live very long and their very purpose in life is to "struggle and reproduce." You cannot force life, you have to flow life. You need fluid in your wings. If you are experiencing a blockage, go eat some brain prunes!
What's a Brain Prune?
I'm glad you asked, so let's ease into the answer. Take a rest. Take stock of your life. Reflect without interruption. Identify your strengths and abilities. How are you gifted? Are you using your talents in their highest and best form? Are you creating more love in an excellent way? Have you banished negativity from your thoughts?
Life is not meant to be easy. Please don't misunderstand my discussion of prunology. Cool beans! A new word! You were meant to struggle and wisdom is the prune (fruit) you gain from the struggle. Struggle helps you become stronger and more intelligent. Embrace struggle, yes embrace is a fruit called a prune. Ask God why He created you.
Heigh Ho! Heigh Ho! A Pruning We Will Go!
Brokenness is a gift designed by God to give you a lift. The tree cannot hold on to last years leaves if it wants bigger, and bushier branches this year. The rose doesn't grow among thorns if the bush isn't pruned. The grape vine needs pruning or it will experience poor fruiting. I took the following from the website of Washington State University Extension:
Thanks for your time and patience with my fruiting prunology. I hope these words of wisdom will help you flow and fly!
Go do something nice for somebody.
Jesus loves you and so do we.
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What's a Brain Prune?
I'm glad you asked, so let's ease into the answer. Take a rest. Take stock of your life. Reflect without interruption. Identify your strengths and abilities. How are you gifted? Are you using your talents in their highest and best form? Are you creating more love in an excellent way? Have you banished negativity from your thoughts?
Life is not meant to be easy. Please don't misunderstand my discussion of prunology. Cool beans! A new word! You were meant to struggle and wisdom is the prune (fruit) you gain from the struggle. Struggle helps you become stronger and more intelligent. Embrace struggle, yes embrace is a fruit called a prune. Ask God why He created you.
Heigh Ho! Heigh Ho! A Pruning We Will Go!
Brokenness is a gift designed by God to give you a lift. The tree cannot hold on to last years leaves if it wants bigger, and bushier branches this year. The rose doesn't grow among thorns if the bush isn't pruned. The grape vine needs pruning or it will experience poor fruiting. I took the following from the website of Washington State University Extension:
(http://extension.wsu.edu/maritimefruit/Pages/GrapePruningBasics.aspx)With that said, you can approach your pruning in a spirit of learning and adventure, not panic.
- Don't be afraid to cut.When you finish, about 90% of last year's growth will be cut.
- Grape plants are vigorous, and forgiving. Even if you make a mistake, you'll get a chance to fix it next year.
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Beautiful and free. |
Thanks for your time and patience with my fruiting prunology. I hope these words of wisdom will help you flow and fly!
Go do something nice for somebody.
Jesus loves you and so do we.
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