Every person we met today at Starpoint High School treated us like royalty. The secretaries, lunch ladies, teachers, administrators and students were unbelievably cordial. Every single person we met went out of their way to make us feel welcome. The students were awesome!
We talked to 5 classes of students about drugs, alcohol and good decision making. We told the students that they are perfect just as they are. There is no one like them that will ever walk the face of the earth after them. The formula for a successful life is this: 4S + ES = Success. That's the 4 Seasons plus Embracing Struggle equals Success. Just in case you have not heard about the Youth With A Purpose Four Season Philosophy, here it is in a nutshell:
Everything in life, including every breath you take fits into the 4 seasons. When you exhale, that's Fall, you let things go. After you exhale, there's a brief pause before you inhale - that's Winter. A time to pause and rest. A time to think deeply before you make your next move. Your next breath is an inspiration or Spring. A Time of new beginnings. A time to set new goals, start fresh.As the fresh air hits your lungs and heart, your body receives a revival of fresh air and blood. The summer is a time to celebrate a job accomplished.Struggle is a natural part of life. Diamonds are made from stress and pressure. Butterflies struggle out of their cocoons. Pearls are made from an irritant. The farmer has to break the ground before he plants. A muscle must be torn before it can grow bigger. Embrace struggle and you will gain greater understanding on the road of life.
We sang a rap song and laughed as we learned together. Listening, laughing and learning - it doesn't get much better than that!
Thanks for your time.
Go do something nice for somebody.
A YWAP Mentor pauses, soaking up a great atmosphere! |