The Bright Spot Seed Planter

Bright Spots can grow in dark places.

The Bright Spot Report is a place for success stories
as well as a place for tips on how to create Bright Spots.

If you have a Bright Spot Story, please share it with us,
so we can create a world with more Bright Spots.

Saturday, December 31, 2016



You tried before and miserably failed.
Another mountain peak left unscaled.
In every race you're the one who trailed.
How much can I take! You loudly wailed.
Grace, Grace is about to be unveiled.

Another convict about to be bailed!
Your ship's come in and its about to be sailed!
Your train of misery is about to be derailed!
Upon a cross God's Son was impaled,

Facing death, in prayer Jesus travailed.
Watching her son die a mother bewailed.
Innocent of all charges He still got nailed.
"Father forgive them." Said the one full of grace.

"It is finished." His last breath, finishing the race. 
On the third day in his grave, death had no trace.
His heart is ready for your new birthplace.
A new beginning no remembrance of disgrace,

All your records of defeat, with love He'll erase. 
His many waters will shower you with Grace.
Start this minute surrender your life to Grace,
His love for you is unstained and full of Grace.

Then I heard something like the shout of a vast multitude, and like the boom of many pounding waves, and like the roar of mighty peals of thunder, saying,
“Hallelujah! For the Lord our God, the Almighty, [the Omnipotent, the Ruler of all] reigns.
 “Let us rejoice and shout for joy! 
Let us give Him glory and honor, for the marriage of the Lamb has come [at last] and His bride (the redeemed) has prepared herself.” 
She has been permitted to dress in fine linen, dazzling white and clean—for the fine linen signifies the righteous acts of the saints [the ethical conduct, personal integrity, moral courage, and godly character of believers]. 
Revelation 19:6-8 Amplified Bible

Grace is a guilt spot remover that makes room for the Bright Spots of God.
Thanks for your time. Go do something nice for somebody.
Jesus loves you and so do we.

Saturday, October 29, 2016

WHY ARE THESE NUMBERS BRIGHT SPOTS: 2, 5, 10, 20, 27, 40, 47 & 250?

If you ever catch the YWAP Director without a Bible, he will donate $10 to you.
     Kindness is immeasurable. The value of a gift given is found in the seed of its potential. A story from long ago is told of a poor widow who shared everything she had - and it wasn't much, just a couple of coins.
  Youth With A Purpose is a small organization if you measure it by its income. However, for over 15 years, 1,000's of young people and their families have received some type of benefit from the folks at YWAP.
     Any act of kindness is valuable. A prayer, volunteering or donating goods, services or money - those are all valuable acts of kindness. No kindness is too small.
     So what do the numbers 2, 5, 10, 20, 27, 40, 47 and 250 stand for?
Two crumpled up dollars were given by a little old lady at a YWAP Luncheon.
Five dollars came from a young man who served in Iraq who donated $5 several times.
Ten dollars is given to you if you ever catch the YWAP Director without a Bible.
Twenty dollars comes from a lady who sends money online as a monthy kindness.
Twenty-seven dollars comes from a husband & wife from Arizona.
Forty dollars comes as a monthly tithe check from a kind couple in Buffalo.
Forty-seven dollars is an increase in kindness from the couple in Arizona.
Two hundred fifty dollars monthly, from a husband & wife in Orchard Park.
     All amounts matter. Without you, YWAP wouldn't matter in the lives of countless numbers of people. We just wanted to take several moments to say thank you to all the kind folks who help YWAP reach 1,000's of young people and their families. Whether you've prayed, served or given, we appreciate you and say THANK YOU! To speak about God's love is one thing. To be doers of God's Word is the main thing. You are a Bright Spot in the world right now!

Thanks for your time. Go do something nice for somebody.
Jesus loves you and so do we.

Bob & Linda Kuebler

Wednesday, October 19, 2016


      A heartbeat is a tiny thing that doesn't make much noise. The impact of a heartbeat can be fully appreciated when it stops. Immanuel Ministries in the little Village of Java, NY is a small church that has a nonstop heartbeat that sends love all over the world.
     Pastors Scott and Jen Johnson are genuine hometown folks who open up their hearts to everybody. All visitors are greeted with a hug, a handshake, a smile and a listening ear. The heartbeat of compassion can be heard in the atmosphere created they create in the name of Love.
     They support ministries in the Java/Arcade Area, Buffalo and internationally. Prayer is probably the main food served at Immanuel. Sunday morning services are real displays of tender love and gratitude for God and each other. Bible studies for men and women are focused on equipping people to get out and serve people as examples of Christ's love.
     They also have a support ministry for folks struggling with addiction or living in dysfunction called Overcomers Outreach.
     We're grateful for Pastors Scott and Jen Johnson. Through them and their Church, God is using Immanuel Ministries to create a Bright Spot in the world. They're proving how small things can change the world. A tiny heartbeat can be the echo of eternal love. That's pretty big. We've posted  some more information about Immanuel below, please go visit them and listen to their heartbeat.
4530 Rte 78 State Rd
Java Village, New York
(800) 491-7294

Thanks for your time. Go do something nice for somebody.
Jesus loves you and so do we.

          Bob Kuebler is the Founder & Director of Youth With A Purpose - YWAP. He has spent the last 15 yrs. learning about pain and perseverance from inner city young people and their families. Healing starts with love, compassion and empathy. 
           Our mission at YWAP is to inspire inner city young people to develop as God's leaders who overcome the mindset of poverty and gang violence. 
           Bob is the Author of five books and several blogs including The Bright Spot Report, Bob shares how God is redeeming our cities through young people. You can reach him at 716-830-8240,


Friday, September 16, 2016

Lifelines At Life Church

This is the first in a special series of Bright Spot Reports called Lifelines. A Lifeline is a place, a person or group of people who act as Lifelines to folks who are drowning in the seas of life. A Lifeline is the Way, the Truth and the Life of Christ.
          Lifelines can save your life in many ways. Imagine yourself underwater in scuba diving gear and your air tank becomes empty. Hopefully your diving partner can assist you by sharing some of his air until you both can get to the surface. Your partner is giving you a Lifeline that saves your life. Imagine a Church full of folks whose common desire is to be Lifelines to a drowning world. That's Life Church in West Seneca, NY.
          Invincibility is not a human trait. We all need help sometimes. Life Church has a circle of leaders. "Circles are better than rows," says Pastor Pete Jankowski. "Rows of people focus on leaders, circles of people foster relationships." Pete delivered a great teaching about Lifelines last week (9-11-16.) He held a life preserver in his hands as he shared God's heart through his words.
          Friends are made quickly at Life Church. The Worship Team lead by Meg Roberts is Holy Spirit driven and energizing. There is a fresh wave of God's love flowing through Life Church. The Worship Team and the Pastors are unified and it shows. Even the guys in the sound booth are in tune with the wave.
          Everyone on the Staff at Life Church has a common goal - they don't want you to be alone. They are a church community with the common purpose of reaching common people with the life-changing message of the Gospel. 

Who Are Some of These Folks?

          Pastor Loren Sperrey shares his heart in a way that demonstrates unbridled honesty and humility. He's like a "Gatherer" who helps folks gather their minds in preparation for a deeper wave.  Loren's wife Janie is a model of Christ-like sincerity. She is so appreciative to God for what she's been given, that she says thank you by showing lovingkindness to everyone she meets.
          Pastor Craig McLeod and his wife Carol are the cornerstones of a ministry that's throwing Lifelines worldwide. Craig is moving into the next season of God's calling on his life. He's passing his leadership role to Pastor Pete. His style of transition is a beautiful lesson in Holy Spirit leadership. He's handing over responsibility while letting go and yet supporting Pete by lifting him up. Carol McLeod is the Founder of Just Joy Ministries. Her life is a testimony that says; "I will love the race as I run with perseverance in teaching others about God's never ending grace." All women will experience greater peace through Just Joy. 

          Pastor Pete Jankowski is the new Lifeline in the wave of the Spirit moving at Life Church. He brings a unique and Word-studied brand of teaching that combines life stories with Lifeline Truths. Pete's wife Kelly can smile and give hope in the middle of a storm. She's an encourager who believes that all ground is holy ground - that's her attitude!

          Life Church is full of many people who are Lifelines. They greet you, serve coffee, clean the building, run the nursery, serve as Youth Leaders, act as Receptionist, facilitate small groups and pray for you. If you visit Life Church and somehow feel lost in the wave, ask for a Lifeline. There are many people drowning, but God desires that none should perish. He loves you with an everlasting love. God has established the work of Life Church as a Lifeline to common people. They're all about making close connections and supporting one another in the experiences of daily life.

          Learn more about Life Church by reaching out for a Lifeline. 716-675-LIFE
4928 Seneca Street,Buffalo, NY, email:

Thanks for your time. Go do something nice for somebody.
Jesus loves you and so do we.

          Bob Kuebler is the Founder & Director of Youth With A Purpose. Bob has spent the last 15 yrs. learning about pain and perseverance from inner city young people and their families. Healing starts with love and encompasses compassion and empathy. Our mission at YWAP is to inspire inner city young people to develop as God's leaders who overcome the mindset of poverty and gang violence. We help them build their own personal Lifeticket. 
          The Author of five books, several blogs including The Bright Spot Report, Bob shares with audiences how God is redeeming our cities through young people.
Bob can be reached at 716-830-8240,

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Talking Matters - Owen Steed Creates A Bright Spot In Niagara County

            Citizens and community leaders from the City of Niagara Falls got together for a "heart-storming" session. They gathered at the Trinity Baptist Church for some deep soul-searching. "How can we help each other create a city that looks more like a family?" That question would be a good way to sum up the quest for unity in solving the problems of violence, drug addiction and poverty that plague most big cities. The event; "Talking Matters" was organized by Niagara County Legislator Owen Steed.  
Thank you Owen Steed for creating a Bright Spot in Niagara County!
            The Director of Youth With A Purpose was present with the hope of speaking about a successful program for 18-30 yr. old young men in Buffalo. Due to the large number of speakers, many folks weren't able to speak. Those who did were very passionate. Each speaker was given a three minute time limit. We feel that it's important to share what God is doing in Buffalo as part of His answer in teaching young men how to build solutions to poverty and violence. What follows are my three minutes and the words that I would have spoken. Maybe they were meant for such a time as this.
            My name is Bob Kuebler and I'm the Director of Youth With A Purpose. For several years I've had the privilege of being a speaker in the Niagara City Schools. Just three weeks ago I was in the Niagara Falls High School Health Classes. When I'm asked to come in and speak to the students, they ask me to speak about violence, drugs & alcohol abuse and bullying. What I actually teach the students is how to embrace the hard times of today as tomorrow's diamonds.
            As the Director of the Holy Cross Youth Center, I've witnessed the heartbreak of young boys killed in the streets over drugs and gangs. I've had my hand on the chest of 14 yr. old boy as he took his final heartbeat caused by the bullet that passed through his brain. I have over fifteen years experience in helping families deal with the tragedies that accompany violence, drugs, and abuse - physical, verbal and emotional.
             As an old-head, my time is growing shorter, we need to help young men mentor the younger generation NOW. We have a plan to do that and it's called BWAP or Basketball With A Purpose. The name can be a bit misleading. We could just as easily call it Music With A Purpose or Cooking With A Purpose. Find something that young people, boys or girls of any age like to do and use the BWAP format to from life-changing relationships with them. Learning labs can be constructed through a multi-faceted approach that incorporates athletics and academics.
            Basketball is simply a relationship building tool. Each week at a BWAP site, young men 18-30 yrs. old play basketball from 7-8:15 pm. At approximately 8:15pm, we call halftime and the young men move into another room to listen to a Life Devotion/Direction Speaker. The guest speaker gives a 9-minute talk that's usually a life story of perseverance and overcoming hardship - we all have them. The speech is called a 9MD - 9 Minute Devotion or Direction.
          Possible speakers include: Business owners, Police, former addicts, millionaires, former alcoholics, Pastors, former gangsters, Teachers, Judges, Lawyers, women who've overcome abuse, College and Military Recruiters, Professional Athletes and young people who've been a part of the BWAP Character Program. In the event that a speaker does not use a Bible verse as part of his 9 minutes, the BWAP Team will always give God credit through the Gospel after the Speaker is done.
            Last year in a Buffalo School, some of our young men became YWAP Coaches and mentored in an after school program. In 45 minutes, we combined literacy teaching, social/emotional learning and physical education. Who says education can't be fun?
            The last thing I would like to share with you is the YWAP LIFETICKET. We help young men build their own personal LIFETICKET. We ask them a few simple questions as a means of building a relationship with them and discovering their needs. We ask if they need prayer for anything. (If I had been able to speak at the Forum, I would've asked the crowd if anybody needed prayer and urged them not to go home until they had somebody pray with them. We need to serve each other in a more immediate way.) We ask about education, employment, housing, community service or if they need help for any other reason.
             We've had discussions with the Niagara Gospel Rescue Mission about partnering with them and starting a BWAP Program. Please keep us in prayer as we look to expand God's territory through BWAP in other cities including Niagara Falls, NY, Huntington, WV, West Seneca, NY and Buffalo, NY. Please contact us to learn more.
Thanks for your time. Go do something nice for somebody.
Jesus loves you and so do we.

          Bob Kuebler is the Founder & Director of Youth With A Purpose. Bob has spent the last 15 yrs. learning about pain and perseverance from inner city young people and their families. Healing starts with love and encompasses compassion and empathy. Our mission at YWAP is to inspire inner city young people to develop as God's leaders who overcome the mindset of poverty and gang violence. Bob is the Author of five books, several magazine articles and blogs including The Bright Spot Report. He regularly shares with audiences about how God is redeeming our cities through young people.
Bob can be reached at 716-830-8240,

Monday, August 29, 2016

Daryl Boss is a Capstone Creator for God

             There are some folks who come along once in a lifetime and leave a heart-print on an entire City. Buffalo will never be the same because Daryl Boss has passed this way. God established the work of His hands through Daryl's heart and hands. The City of Lights is burning a little brighter these days.
            The news media usually covers an event or happening by giving the loudest credits to the most visible people and ministries. The folks in the news are the ones who stand next to the final capstone. The guys who built the cornerstone are seldom seen or heard about. When the national TV Show Extreme Home Makeover came to town, Buffalo set records for community participation. Most folks don't know what went on at the street level or behind the scenes. Daryl Boss was like a Project Manager; he planned, organized, built, touched, smiled, worked tirelessly and he prayed. All success stories have a backbone part of the story that is seldom heard.
            Every summer for many years, Daryl has been the driving force behind urban ministry service opportunities for young people in the Buffalo Area. Through Breakout and LoveBuffalo, Daryl is responsible for organizing the mission command of service projects. Do you know how he finds the houses that need work? He drives around the designated mission site area and asks the Holy Spirit to show him whose home (heart) needs repair 9healing.) Yes, God has established the work of Daryl's hands and He guides him and teaches Daryl in the way that he should go.
            As the one of the Founders of Xertion Youth, Daryl collaborated with Youth With A Purpose in a number of ways. He would take young people to disaster relief sites in several states. Several times a year, Xertion and YWAP would share responsibilities at Wilderness Leadership Excursions in Great Valley, NY and the Adirondack Mountains. Sometimes the participants were young people associated with gangs in Buffalo and some were from local churches. (I'm not sure whose behavior was better!) We hiked up mountains and taught the young people how to climb the mountains of life. The Bible is Daryl's playbook and he shares it with the young people.
            As a Dad, Daryl runs the race of fatherhood with perseverance. Deep in the Adirondack Mountains where phone reception is minimal, Daryl would walk through the campsite and search under the stars to find a signal to talk to his kids. As his children got older, they would accompany him on mission trips and mountain treks. He's also a Dad to many fatherless kids in Buffalo. I've seen him cry as he sat awed by the life-change that God had caused in a young boy's life. Daryl shows love through his hands, his eyes and his heart.
            Kingdombound is a Christian festival that attracts tens of thousands of folks to Darien Lake in New York. Every year Daryl is the "Set-up Guy." He sets up Kingdombound! He's the maintenance guy, the fix-it guy; he does whatever is needed to make festival-goers, volunteers and performers comfortable. He helps set up Prayer Tents, Vendor Tents, Worship Tents and staff meeting areas. You might see him in a golf cart bringing tools or supplies around the park. What you probably won't know is that he arranged for YWAP to bring inner-city youngsters in to help set up a Worship Tent that seats over 1,000 people. He makes volunteer service opportunities happen regularly. He cares about others more than he cares for himself. (His oldest son joined his Dad at KB and is now doing some work professionally as a result.)
            Daryl has left his heart-print on many ministries and people. He's the capstone on a story of salvation that has come to many hearts in Buffalo. Most folks don't have a clue that they received a blessing from God at the hands of Daryl. Unless you happen to watch him for several years, you wouldn't begin to understand the impact of one man in the hands of God. When a summertime work project is done, the young people gather to sign a Bible. Daryl stands with them as they present the Word of God to a neighbor whose house they just beautified. It's the capstone on a project that delivers the message; "Love God and love your neighbor as yourself." Daryl Boss is one of God's capstone creators. Because of him, it's a beautiful day in many Buffalo neighborhoods.Jesus loves you Daryl and so do we.

"What are you, mighty mountain?

Before Zerubbabel you will become level ground.

Then he will bring out the capstone to shouts of

'God bless it! God bless it!'"

Zechariah 4:7

Thanks for your time. Go do something nice for somebody.
Jesus loves you and so do we. (JLYASDW)

Bob Kuebler is the Founder & Director of Youth With A Purpose. Bob has spent the last 15 yrs. learning about pain and perseverance from inner city young people and their families. Healing starts with love and encompasses compassion and empathy. Our mission at YWAP is to inspire inner city young people to develop as God's leaders who overcome the mindset of poverty and gang violence. Bob is the Author of five books, several magazine articles and blogs including The Bright Spot Report. He regularly shares with audiences about how God is redeeming our cities through young people.
Bob can be reached at 716-830-8240,

Monday, April 25, 2016

2ND Annual FRED SMILES for LIFE April 30, 2016

     Finding Pastor Fred Naedele without a smile was like finding a balloon in a Buffalo blizzard. I never visited Pastor Fred behind bars, but I can only imagine the smile on his incarcerated face. His pro-life perseverance landed him in jail. Fred was arrested because he wanted all children on both sides of the womb to smile when they heard how much Jesus loves them.
     Released from prison, Pastor Fred the jailbird flew free and spread his wings with a message of true freedom. He spoke from Elma to India and many points in between. You might be tempted to label Pastor Fred as a law-breaker, but that wouldn't begin to define the Way he used Truth to birth new Life.
     Everyone who talks about Fred now in remembrance of his life has good things to say. Here are a few quotes from a Facebook Post:  "Pastor Fred was an amazing man." "Precious wonderful person!" "What a blessing and gift God lent to us." "Miss you Sweet Pastor Fred....One of the Best men I have ever known.......xo......"  "With tears, yes , Pastor Fred was the best!! If you would have met him, you would understand and agree too with us all!" "I learned a song from father fred when I am 9 or 10 years old COME AND BE WITH ME In my father's house"
     Do you like to smile? The 2ND Annual (Unofficial) Fred Smiles for Life will be held on April 30, 2016. The Catholic Diocese of Buffalo has an active Pro-Life Ministry and i just kind of tag along. They have a Life Mass at 8:00 am at St. Rose of Lima Parish (500 Parker Avenue, Buffalo) Mass will be followed by a silently and prayerfully procession to and from a local abortion clinic (optional) where we join together in prayer. Closing prayers will take place upon our return outside of St. Rose of Lima. Respect Life Committees, Youth Groups, Parish Ministries, are especially encouraged to join us to show their support for the Sanctity of Life.
     I walk the route smiling prayerfully. I remember Pastor Fred and I pray for children on both sides of the womb. Anyone is welcome to walk and all of our smiles for Fred and children are unofficial. If you need more info please call Bob at 716-830-8240 or just show up and smile, walk and pray - that's Fred's way!            Here is something that is official:
Jesus loves you and so do we!

Thursday, April 14, 2016

YWAP Says Thank You to Jason & Charyn McCudden

     There are people in the world who almost fly under the radar of community service. Unless you know them personally, you would not know how big their hearts are.
     Heaven changing would be a good way to describe what Jason and Charyn do. When you create peace in somebody's heart, you've given them a piece of heaven.
    As the Director of Youth With A Purpose, I've personally witnessed some of their struggles and some of their victories. I'm honored to know them and call them friends.
     Nobody knows the extent of the potential inside another human being except for God. Jason and Charyn help others reach their potential.
     Knowing them personally has helped me grow personally. They have helped with the work of their hands by holding up other people.
     Saying thank you is something we take seriously at YWAP, so........


Bob, Linda and the YWAP Family.

Sunday, April 10, 2016


     Courage is something my wife Linda has in huge supply. She doesn't make any claim to being a courageous person, but she's a shining example of strength in the face of pain.
     Her days begin with God. It doesn't matter what mood she's in or how much pain she has. Linda pushes through pain and pushes aside any distraction that keeps her from spending time with God.
     Responding to the needs of others with tremendous compassion, Linda disregards her own needs and pours out her heart. She is a prayer covering for hurting people. Empathy is a river of love flowing to those who call upon her.
     Immersing herself in the grace of God allows Linda to pour out His mercy and tenderness. My wife is capable of soaking up immeasurable amounts of God's wisdom. She takes that wisdom and dispenses it prayerfully.
     Softheartedness in the face of a world filled with hardheartedness is an example of courage - the courage of Christ. Linda looks for the face of Jesus in everyone she meets. She looks past her own pain and helps those around her seek peace.
     True love is the laying down of one's life for another. Linda's first love is God. She has laid her life down for Him by laying her life down for the people He puts in her path. Linda's courage and commitment to Christ makes her a Bright Spot in this world and the next.

Thanks for your time.
Go and help somebody create a Bright Spot.
Jesus loves you and so do we.

Wednesday, February 17, 2016


All children deserve to be raised in peace.


R.I.P. is a term that never gives me enough peace.
I've watched young people die violently.
I wonder,
"Did I do enough to prevent the violence?
I've watched young girls raise babies without fathers.
I wonder,
"Did I do enough to help guys respect the girls?"
I've watched kids quit school and sell drugs on the street.
I wonder,
"Did I try hard enough to teach them how to struggle and persevere?"
"Never Enough" is a hurt in my heart as I share the pain of young people trying to break the chains of generational violence and poverty. I know that God cares deeply and equally about every young person in Buffalo.
In the heaviness of this moment, I pray that at least one young person gets to know the peace of God today. I know that God is enough. He will make all things work together for good. When pain becomes compassion, more folks will rest in enough peace.


"The leech has two daughters. 'Give! Give!' they cry. "There are three things that are never satisfied, four that never say, 'Enough!'
Proverbs 30:15

"All things are wearisome, more than one can say. The eye never has enough of seeing,
nor the ear its fill of hearing."
Ecclesiastes 1:8

"Sheol (the place of the dead) and Abaddon (the place of destruction) are never satisfied;
so [the lust of] the eyes of man is never satisfied."

Proverbs 27:20 Amplified Bible, Classic Edition
"And God is able to make all grace (every favor and earthly blessing) come to you in abundance, so that you may always and under all circumstances and whatever the need be self-sufficient [possessing enough to require no aid or support and furnished in abundance for every good work and charitable donation]."
2 Corinthians 9:8 Amplified Bible, Classic Edition


Thanks for your time. Go and give some of your abundance to somebody.
Wednesday, February 17, 2016
8:20 AM, MST
Phoenix, Arizona, USA