There are some folks who come along once in a lifetime and leave a heart-print on an entire City. Buffalo will never be the same because Daryl
Boss has passed this way. God established the work of His hands through Daryl's heart and hands. The City of Lights
is burning a little brighter these days.
The news media usually covers an event or happening by
giving the loudest credits to the most visible people and ministries. The folks in the news are the ones who stand next to the final capstone. The guys who built the cornerstone are seldom seen or heard about. When the
national TV Show Extreme Home Makeover came to town, Buffalo set records for community
participation. Most folks don't know what went on at the street level or behind
the scenes. Daryl Boss was like a Project Manager; he planned, organized,
built, touched, smiled, worked tirelessly and he prayed. All success stories
have a backbone part of the story that is seldom heard.
Every summer for many years, Daryl has been the driving
force behind urban ministry service opportunities for young people in the Buffalo Area. Through
Breakout and LoveBuffalo, Daryl is responsible for organizing the mission command of service
projects. Do you know how he finds the houses that need work? He drives around the designated mission site area and asks the Holy Spirit to show him whose home (heart) needs repair 9healing.) Yes, God has established the work of Daryl's hands and He guides him
and teaches Daryl in the way that he should go.
As the one of the Founders of Xertion Youth, Daryl collaborated with
Youth With A Purpose in a number of ways. He would take young people to
disaster relief sites in several states. Several times a year, Xertion and YWAP
would share responsibilities at Wilderness Leadership Excursions in Great Valley, NY and the Adirondack Mountains. Sometimes the participants were
young people associated with gangs in Buffalo
and some were from local churches. (I'm not sure whose behavior was better!) We
hiked up mountains and taught the young people how to climb the mountains of
life. The Bible is Daryl's playbook and he shares it with the young people.
As a Dad, Daryl runs the race of fatherhood with
perseverance. Deep in the Adirondack Mountains
where phone reception is minimal, Daryl would walk through the campsite and
search under the stars to find a signal to talk to his kids. As his children
got older, they would accompany him on mission trips and mountain treks. He's
also a Dad to many fatherless kids in Buffalo.
I've seen him cry as he sat awed by the life-change that God had caused in a
young boy's life. Daryl shows love through his hands, his eyes and his heart.
Kingdombound is a Christian festival that attracts tens of
thousands of folks to Darien Lake in New
York. Every year Daryl is the "Set-up Guy."
He sets up Kingdombound! He's the maintenance guy, the fix-it guy; he does
whatever is needed to make festival-goers, volunteers and performers
comfortable. He helps set up Prayer Tents, Vendor Tents, Worship Tents and staff meeting
areas. You might see him in a golf cart bringing tools or supplies around the
park. What you probably won't know is that he arranged for YWAP to bring
inner-city youngsters in to help set up a Worship Tent that seats over 1,000
people. He makes volunteer service opportunities happen regularly. He cares
about others more than he cares for himself. (His oldest son joined his Dad at
KB and is now doing some work professionally as a result.)
Daryl has left his heart-print on many ministries and
people. He's the capstone on a story of salvation that has come to many hearts in Buffalo. Most folks don't have a clue that they received a blessing from God at
the hands of Daryl. Unless you happen to watch him for several years, you
wouldn't begin to understand the impact of one man in the hands of God. When a
summertime work project is done, the young people gather to sign a Bible. Daryl
stands with them as they present the Word of God to a neighbor whose house they
just beautified. It's the capstone on a project that delivers the message;
"Love God and love your neighbor as yourself." Daryl Boss is one of
God's capstone creators. Because of him, it's a beautiful day in many Buffalo neighborhoods.Jesus loves you Daryl and so
do we.
"What are you, mighty mountain?
Before Zerubbabel you will become level ground.
Then he will bring out the capstone to shouts of
'God bless it! God bless it!'"
Zechariah 4:7
Thanks for your time. Go do
something nice for somebody.
Jesus loves you and so do
Bob Kuebler is the Founder
& Director of Youth With A Purpose. Bob has spent the last 15 yrs. learning
about pain and perseverance from inner city young people and their families.
Healing starts with love and encompasses compassion and empathy. Our mission at
YWAP is to inspire inner city young people to develop as God's leaders who
overcome the mindset of poverty and gang violence. Bob is the Author of five
books, several magazine articles and blogs including The Bright Spot Report. He
regularly shares with audiences about how God is redeeming our cities through
young people.
Bob can be reached at 716-830-8240,