The Bright Spot Seed Planter

Bright Spots can grow in dark places.

The Bright Spot Report is a place for success stories
as well as a place for tips on how to create Bright Spots.

If you have a Bright Spot Story, please share it with us,
so we can create a world with more Bright Spots.

Thursday, May 1, 2014

The Heart Farmers Mother

The Heart Farmers Mother
and his daughter Beauty.

          "Daddy, I have to write something about Mothers for my school, How would you describe your Mother?" Asked the Heart Farmer's Daughter. "The big, burly man pursed his lips as he exhaled and emptied his huge chest of all its air. "Well my little darling Beauty. Park your little prettiness right here and I'll tell you about my Mother!"

"A Mother is patient. 
A Mother is kind. 
A Mother cares more for her children
than she does for herself. 
A Mother doesn't keep a record 
of her children's mistakes. 
A Mother apologizes to her children
when she is wrong.
A Mother doesn't tease her children.
A Mother protects her children. 
A Mother hopes for the best for her children. 
A Mother never gives up on her children. 
A Mother disciplines her children. 
A Mother guides her children in the right direction
so they won't get lost when they are older. 
A Mother teaches her children
about love by loving them.
A Mother teaches her children about
the Way and Truth of Life."

          The Heart Farmer stopped, they both had tears in their eyes. Beauty looked up through her tears and said: "I love you Daddy!"

Then they both went and voted for Ballers Breakfast!

*The Heart Farmers description of his Mother is adapted from 1 Corinthians 13 in the Bible.
Thanks for your time.
Go do something nice for somebody.

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