The Bright Spot Seed Planter

Bright Spots can grow in dark places.

The Bright Spot Report is a place for success stories
as well as a place for tips on how to create Bright Spots.

If you have a Bright Spot Story, please share it with us,
so we can create a world with more Bright Spots.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Helping Children To Become Bright Spots At Buffalo School #6

It's always a blast taking pictures at YWAP Leadership Camp. When the photographer (me) looks through the lens and all he sees are smiling faces, he can't help but smile himself. Smiling is contagious. These smiles were soul deep; the young people from Buffalo Public School #6 grinned from ear to ear and everywhere in between. This camp was something special and it was not just because of a bunch of smiling people. The only reason this camp happened in the first place is because 2 Administrators from that School stepped up to the plate and delivered grand slams.

Ms. Hope is one of the Assistant Principals at the Buffalo Elementary School of Technology. Ms. Hope had to carry the bulk of the planning for this Leadership Camp because the YWAP Director was in Africa. Many of the usual logistics that are handled by Youth With A Purpose landed in Ms. Hope's lap. She picked up the ball and ran with it. She planned, she organized and she rallied the young leaders and helped them with their preparations. Ms. Hope did the grocery shopping and spent some of her own time and money to do something special for young people. That in itself is worthy of an honorable mention in a Bright Spot Report but Ms. Hope didn't stop there. She volunteered to become the first Administrator to become a Chaperone in the History of YWAP Leadership Camps. She spent the weekend in a cabin with a group of 6-8th Graders. She cooked, cleaned, participated in character education skits and she smiled (a lot!) Thank you Ms. Hope, you truly are a Bright Spot and you are helping our children to become Bright Spots themselves.

Mrs. Poles is the Principal at School #6 and she is the other half of this Bright Spot equation. Mrs. Poles stepped up to the plate and with one swing powered by the beat of a generous heart, made sure that transportation was provided. Without the transportation, there would not have been a camp and all of the rest of the preparations would have been in vain and some hearts would have been broken. Like Ms. Hope, Mrs. Poles spent some of her own time and money to help young people. You will not find her actions listed in the job description of a Principal nor would she publicize her acts of kindness, she just gives where the needs are. Mrs. Poles is known for the touching way that she gets involved with her students. She treats them like family. She treats them like they are close to her heart because they are. She listens to the hearts of the young people she serves. Yes, she is the Principal and she is a good leader and she serves because that's what a great leader does. She has been known to give birthday presents to children who would otherwise not receive one. Thank you Mrs. Poles, you truly are a Bright Spot and you are helping our children to become Bright Spots themselves.

To Ms. Hope and Mrs. Poles YWAP says;

"Well done good and faithful servants of our youth."

  Go do something nice for somebody.

Bob Kuebler
YWAP Director
Youth With A Purpose
In School & After School
In The Mountains & In The Hood
"All Children Are Gifted"
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